Turn Unpaid Invoices into Immediate Cash!

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Peritus Financial are Leeds’ invoice factoring specialists. Operating in the heart of one of the UK’s fastest growing economies, we’re ready to help the local businesses secure invoice factoring to ensure their cash isn’t tied up in unpaid invoices!


Leeds is the economically fastest-growing city in the UK, with projections expecting it to add a massive £1.5 billion to its economy by 2026, and with this the city presents many different opportunities to local businesses as well as those looking to invest in the area – and with help from a trusted and professional finance broker like Peritus, they can set themselves up with the best possible chance of success.

At Peritus Financial, we know that each and every business faces a unique set of challenges and opportunities when it comes to securing finance products like invoice factoring. Because of this, we work with companies to help them not just navigate, but to capitalise on Leeds’ thriving business sector, giving their organisation the best chance to not only grow, but to excel.

What Is Invoice Factoring?


To explain this in just one sentence, invoice factoring is a financial service designed to boost your business’s cash flow.


Invoice factoring works by allowing businesses to sell their accounts receivable, or invoices, to a factoring company and instead of waiting weeks (or even sometimes months) for clients to pay,  you receive an immediate advance on a portion of the invoice value—often up to 85%. The factoring company then works essentially as a collections agent and takes on the responsibility of collecting payment from your clients.

One of the standout benefits of invoice factoring is its ability to immediately free up cash that’s otherwise tied up in unpaid invoices. This influx of cash ensures that businesses can meet their own payments on time, whether it’s payroll or invoices that they need to clear with their suppliers.

Secondly, another major benefit of this particular finance product is that the factoring company manages credit control. This means they take on the responsibility of following up with your clients for invoice payments, something that reduces a businesses administrative burden and means no more difficult phone calls to clients that you’ve built a relationship with.

Invoice factoring is particularly beneficial for SMEs in Leeds’ thriving economic environment, where swift access to cash can be the difference between seizing an opportunity and having to pass it by. By partnering with Peritus Financial, you’re choosing a path that ensures your business not only navigates but also capitalises on the opportunities within Leeds’ dynamic business sector. Our expertise in invoice factoring positions us perfectly to help your business grow and excel.

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Why Businesses Choose to Use Invoice Factoring In Leeds?

The choice for the businesses of Leeds to engage in invoice factoring is driven by many different reasons. All of them are typically aimed at gaining the benefits provided by invoice finance such as improved operations and a much healthier looking cash flow. But here are the main benefits and advantages the companies get when they access invoice factoring solutions.


Immediate Access to Working Capital

Of course the biggest thing drawing businesses toward invoice factoring is the fact that it provides them with instant capital which they can use to settle debts and invest in growth. Unlike traditional loans, which can take time to be approved and disbursed, invoice factoring converts your outstanding invoices into immediate cash. This swift access to funds naturally helps a business stay much more financially healthy.


Better Managed Cash Flow

Invoice factoring directly addresses one of the most common financial challenges businesses face: cash flow management. Because factoring invoices is able to turn sales on credit terms into immediate cash, businesses can very easily manage their cash flow much more effectively. This then in turn reduces the gap between the revenue they recognise as theirs and the cash they actually receive from clients, something that is particularly important to companies experiencing rapid growth or those with long payment cycles.

Mitigated Credit Risks

Another significant draw is the mitigation of credit risk. Factoring companies typically take on the risk of non-payment by your clients. With this risk transferred away from a business it means they have more time (and money) to focus on their core operations without the added stress of potential bad debts. For SMEs without a dedicated credit control department, this aspect of invoice factoring is often one of their biggest deciding factors.


Avoid Accumulating Debt

Since invoice factoring is not a loan, it doesn’t get added to a businesses debt burden. So, for those companies that want to make sure that they always have a healthy balance sheet or those who don’t want to take on any new debt but need an injection of cash, this is incredibly appealing. The focus on leveraging existing assets (i.e., invoices) for financing avoids the pitfalls associated with debt financing, such as interest payments and stringent repayment schedules.


Why Use a Broker Like Peritus Financial For Invoice Factoring In Leeds?

Trying to fight a way through all of the jargon and red tape when it comes to putting invoice factoring in place can be a daunting task for almost any business, especially SMEs that may not have the in-house expertise or resources to explore and negotiate the best financial solutions on their own. This is where the value of a specialised broker, such as Peritus Financial, becomes clear.

Tailored Solutions and Competitive Offers


Every business’s needs are unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach rarely yields the best results in financial matters. Peritus Financial understands this and works closely with you to analyse the different invoice factoring options available. When we assess your business’ specific needs we can use this information to then negotiate with lenders and tailor the invoice factoring options that we provide, making sure they better suit what your company actually needs. Ultimately, our aim is to make sure you get the most competitive solution possible, whilst still meeting the objectives you have set out to achieve through invoice factoring.

Expert Guidance


Working with an independent finance broker like Peritus gives you your own trusted advisor, someone who can simplify the complex process of securing invoice factoring. Because there can often be so many different factors at play, from the percentage of invoice value you can receive upfront to the fees and the creditworthiness of your clients, having an expert broker alongside you helps you understand the fine print and make the best decision for your business.

Access To A Network Of Lenders


One One of the other major benefits of setting up invoice factoring in Leeds through brokers like Peritus is the access we can give you to an extensive network of UK lenders and factoring companies. Instead of limiting your options to a handful of lenders that appear when you first perform a Google Search, a broker can cast a wider net, approaching many markets at once. This not only increases your chances of finding a lender that suits your specific needs but also saves a considerable amount of time and effort that you would otherwise spend researching and contacting lenders individually.

How Invoice Factoring In Leeds Works With Peritus

Because as an independent broker we put so much emphasis on keeping the application and set up of invoice factoring so simple, we have a straightforward and easy-to-follow process for the businesses that we work with in Leeds.


Reach Out

The first step is reaching out to us at Peritus Financial. You can reach us through our website, by phone, or email and it is at this point that we’ll then set up some time to speak directly with you and your team, aiming to understand the company, its challenges and what you’re hoping to achieve with invoice factoring.


We Approach Different Lenders

With your business needs in mind, we leverage our extensive network of UK lenders to find the best invoice factoring solutions available. Our access to a broad range of lenders, including those not immediately visible to the public, allows us to negotiate more effectively on your behalf.

Agree Terms With The Factoring Company

Once we’ve identified potential lenders and factoring solutions, we’ll present you with the options and provide detailed explanations of each to help you make an informed decision. Working in this way, we make sure that you get to choose an invoice factoring company that is not only competitive but that also makes sure it is giving you the best chance of using invoice factoring to your business’ advantage.


Factoring Can Be In Operation In 7-10 Days

After agreeing on the best lender for your business, we proceed with finalising the agreement. While we aim for the service to be operational within 7-10 days, this timeframe can vary depending on the complexity of the agreement and other factors. However, we will always do our utmost to get the factoring in place as soon as possible, to make sure you get access to your funds without any unnecessary delays.

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Why Businesses Choose Peritus For Invoice Finance In Leeds

Businesses choosing to work with Peritus Financial are choosing to partner with a company that stands out in the often crowded landscape of commercial finance. We stand out because we distinguish ourselves as a true ‘one-stop shop’ for financial products, providing comprehensive, fully managed, and professional services aimed at securing the most competitive funding offers available.

Our approach simplifies the process for you, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience from start to finish. We offer a free, impartial, and confidential initial consultation to assess your funding options without any upfront fees. We want to work with forward thinking organisations, building lasting relationships with them and providing them with honest and transparent advice on how they can acquire finance for their business.

Leeds Invoice Factoring FAQs

Is invoice factoring a good idea?

Invoice factoring can be an excellent idea for businesses that need quick access to cash and wish to improve their cash flow without taking on debt. It’s particularly useful for SMEs dealing with long payment terms or those looking to manage their cash flow more efficiently.

How much does factoring an invoice cost in the UK?

The cost of invoice factoring in the UK typically includes a service fee, ranging from 0.75% to 2.5% of the invoice value, and a discount rate, which is the interest charged on the money advanced, varying widely based on the agreement and the creditworthiness of your invoices.

How do you qualify for invoice factoring?

Qualification for invoice factoring generally requires you to have a business that sells products or services on terms to other businesses, have invoices for completed work, and have customers with good credit standings. Factors will assess your creditworthiness, your customers’ creditworthiness, and the risk involved.

What happens if a factoring company doesn’t get paid?

If your client fails to pay the factored invoice, the responsibility depends on whether it’s recourse or non-recourse factoring. With recourse factoring, you’re responsible for buying back the unpaid invoice. With non-recourse, the factoring company assumes most of the risk of non-payment, though terms vary.

What is the average cost of invoice factoring?

The average cost varies based on several factors, including the volume of invoices, your industry, and the creditworthiness of your clients. It typically includes a percentage of the invoice amount as a fee, plus interest on the advance provided.